Showing posts with label business online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business online. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 January 2014

What is GLAM

GLAM sana..
GLAM sini..

Apa tu GLAM?
Dulu sebelum join selalu jugak tgk kawan duk post kita ingat ada kaitan dengan glamourous and so on ke kan.....

GLAM sebenarnya stands for Green Leaders Academy Malaysia. Pioneer for Green Leaders Academy yang lain. GLAM baru sahaja ditubuhkan oleh gandingan mantap pasangan suami isteri Hanis Haizi & Razali Zain. Fokus teknik pemasaran GLAM adalah lebih kepada online dan GLAM juga adalah pioneer kepada business online marketing di Malaysia

GLAM juga kini mempunyai kelas sendiri di TTDI Kuala Lumpur. Kelas ini diadakan pada setiap hari Jumaat jam 8-11mlm secara PERCUMA! Ya..percuma! Di sinilah kami di ajar cara berniaga mengikut konsep

Hijabista, Nona, inTrend, Bella TV, Bella Award, Berita Harian adalah antara paparan media massa  yang diperoleh oleh GLAM.

GLAM sudah pun melangkaui satu Malaysia dah telah mampu bertapak di peringkat Antarabangsa! So..tunggu apa lagi? Let's be part of the journey! Heading towards to 6 figures income with the business!

Untuk maklumat lanjut boleh call anis ye
011 11612776

Monday, 10 June 2013

Bila Business di Hujung Jari

Senangkan? Tak tahu bercakap, tak tahu nak buat marketing, tak ada kawan nak promote & market kan product? Sekarang tak ada masalah lagi asalkan kita mahu belajar dan terus berusaha!

Sedar atau tidak rakyat Malaysia la yang paling ramai mengunjungi Facebook hari-hari compare to others country! Yess it's a fact! 
Then why not we use and take this as advantage to make our income rather than buat gossip or buat fitnah kan? Buang masa & tambah dosa je :)

Dengan 3 medium ini saja anda mampu menjana income 4 figures every month! 

Berminat nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh contact saya. 
I'm willing to share :)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Panggilan Hangat dari Ejen Halal TV9

Hari itu hari biasa. Hari cuti, maka seperti yang dijanji dengan supplier aku ke Putrajaya untuk meng"collect" sticker yang di order oleh customer. Sesampai di Petronas stesyen, parking elok-elok tunggu supplier datang..Dalam 10min cmtu supplier datang, amik sticker, cek-cek ok pas. Baru nk masuk gear "D"... ofis x kenal.. (errr....henpon ku bukan bunyi cani tapi lagu Asma Allah by Sami Yusuf) :)

Hello, ini Purnama Artwork kah?

Ye, saya..(jawab sambil debor2 jarang sangat la nak dapat caller tanya macam ni..yela business kecil-kecilan main-main pulak tu)

Ok, saya (nama x hengat) buat panggilan dari TV9, Ejen Halal...

Errr... okay..kenapa ya? (debor2 lagi kuat)

OK, tau x pasal rancangan Ejen Halal ni?

Ye tau2..saya ada jugak tengok-tengok..

Ok, sebenarnya kami sedang mencari syarikat-syarikat Melayu yang membuat printing ni..
Jadi  kami bercadang nak interview cik la..nak datang kedai and tengok proses printing dari mula sampai akhir..

OOooo....emm boleh saya tau dapat contact dari mana?

Saya just search kt FB je and terjumpa la page "Purnama Artwork" ni..

I see...tapi maaflah sebab saya x dapat nk penuhi permintaan tu sebab saya ni AGEN saya buat then hantar ke kilang untuk print...:) :)

Oh..yeke...emm ok la kalau macam tu x pa la ya..terima kasih..

Ok, sama-sama.. (senyum sampai ke telinga)

Wow...woww...and wooowww lagi..ngeeheee....

U oll bayangkan la..betapa kerdilnya company Purnama Artwork ni..cetoet je pun..ikhlas kata fanpage die pun agak buruk la nak compare dengan page2 yang buat design n print ni..lolll :)
Likes pun baru 600++ je.. :P

Cover pun xdakk????ish..ish..ish....

Tapi itulah kuasa online marketing ni.. (kuasa Allah sudah tentunya x perlu nak dikatakan lagi).

Alhamdu Lillah.. I considered as small recognition.. (perasan sendiri x salah kot :) )

Monday, 3 June 2013

PB as a transformer

Hello Ladies!

Worrying a lot about your body shape?
Still young and virgin but lost your beautiful body shape like having 5 children?
Need to cut calories instead of enjoying your favourite foods?

yes! U can go ahead to cut your calories intake to avoid obese and loss the extra weight!
we do have alternative way for those who love to eat, eat & eat but a bit lazy to exercise (ooppssss.....!)


Can you see the different?
Testimoni while she's trying the 
FREE FITTING session :)

Well, what is the GOOD about this corset compare to others:

Lifetime warranty!
Superbrand 2011 awarded!
Infrared rays technology!
Chiropractor certified! - for back pain remedy
70% for health 30% for beauty

Let's get health & beauty for ourself, husband, daughters & family!
Worth for your money!
Because you worth it :)

giving away FREE SHORT BRA !!
while stock last

011 1161 2776

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

PB is in QATAR??

Are u serious Premium Beautiful is already fly to Qatar??
Crazy! This is MLM lol! How come Qatarian cannot see this is MLM scheme??

Same like Herbalife, Cosway, Amway, blaa..blaa..blaa....
Plus the corset is all SCAM! Liars! Crazy corset with price of 2k++!!!






--- our dedicated leader, Hanis Haizi has proven that we are not lying :)
and GLAM is really a Dynamic Entrepreneur :)

I am so glad being under her. 
Her passion, energy, WOW!! 
Super-duper business MOGHUL!!

So what are u waiting for?
Serious looking for financial freedom?
Marketing is fully online.

Don't worries, Class & Coaching is Fully Provided! :)

Do contact me for more info ya :)

Monday, 27 May 2013

Do I Care the Leaders??

Hi readers, 

Today wanna share with u all our 
Every one of them having a hard journey before  making them a 

Why that I have to share and introduce our leaders??
Of course it's important..because as Robert Kiyosaki said..

Why mentors is important??

Yess...! There have achieved their GOAL which my & our GOALS too!!

Introducing our LEADERS..

Cik Cida, Hanis Haizi, Naa Kamaruddin

Chek out their road of journey how they can be FAMOUS & SUCCES
on their website :

Cik Cida 
Hanis Haizi
Naa Kamaruddin

Most of us knew that we have to change for things to change..

Not many of us got the GUTS to do it.

but I do believe, by choosing the right mentor you will be able to do..

Let's start build up our business together!
For more info do contact me ya :)